Not three minutes after sweet Imogen received her 3rd Place ribbon, my name was called for 3rd Place in the Levantine Category. I hadn’t wiped away the tears from her winning – or gotten back to my spot when I had to turn around and walk back to the stage. I couldn’t believe it! There are 500 pies entered in this contest every year. 500+ bakers baking there hearts out and creating beautiful beautiful pies. Walking around and seeing all the pies is awe inspiring every year. Having entered this contest for eight years straight, I have walked away like most, sad that my pie was not up to snuff in one way or another that day. Some years I have entered two pies! Which means you have to make four pies total - and carry them that long way from the parking lot to the drop off station. It is quite a challenge for a home baker.
What exactly is a Choco Pom Stachio Pie you might ask? Well, it has a dark chocolate cookie crust (made from scratch), a pistachio nut paste layer, then a layer of dark chocolate ganache, topped with a pomegranate glaze (made from pomegranate jelly by my friend Emma Stark and, heated to make it shiny), cardamom pine nut lace cookies on top of that and then a scattering of pomegranate seeds for snappy sweetness and decoration. The category I entered was described as “Garments from Ottoman Syria, inspired by Levantine Cuisine”. That is why I headed down this whacky path. More people entered this category than I would have thought.
I listen to KCRW and KCRW Good Food all the time. Like many others, I feel a part of the KCRW family and that we are all woven together in the fabric of this city. Attending this Pie Contest gives me a warm and fuzzy feeling to see this family in person, rather than just over the air waves. It is such an honor to be awarded a ribbon. Now I have won ribbons for two pies. What is most gratifying is to know that my first ribbon was not a complete fluke! So way better to go home with one than without. But this year is another year, and there will be another 500 pies and the same reality that there are very few ribbons for all those pies. I love baking and am always happy to have a reason to spend time in the kitchen and put something in the oven. And then give it away to all my neighbors!
Photo by Brian Feinzimer
KCRW Good Food blog announcing the winners of the 10th Annual KCRW Good Food Pie Contest
KCRW Good Food Facebook Page where you can see photos from the 10th Annual KCRW Pie Contest.